See further information here.

Gender Neutrality

Most competitions at the club are gender neutral except for the Tuesday morning Women's competitions, and several Honour Board events focussed on men or women. While the women's red course is a par 73, scratch rating 74, and the men's course is par 72, scratch rating 72, the World Handicap System provides equitable adjustment of handicaps, and scores for Stroke competitions are based on net score relative to par, making it possible for men and women to compete on an equitable basis in a mixed gender competition.

Using the Stroke Index

In Stableford and Par competitions the Stroke Index determines how many strokes a player receives on each hole. 

The Stroke Index on the scorecard lists 3 numbers, eg “8 / 21 / 39”.

Players with HC up to 18 will use index 8, players with HC 19-36 will use index 21, and players with HC over 36 will use index 39. To make it easier for players to work out how many strokes are awarded, a new scorecard format will show dots for the number of strokes the player receives as follows (HC 24 illustrated):

A player on HC 24 uses the middle number and gets two strokes on the 1st hole. In Stableford, they get two points if the have 7 strokes, 1 point for 8 and none for 9 or more. 5 strokes gives 4 points and 6 gives 3 points. In a Par competition the player gets + for 6 or less, 0 for 7 and - for 8 or more strokes.

The scorecard you are marking will show the dots for the player you are marking, but you will have to use the index value for your HC range to work out your own strokes. It may help to copy the dots from your card to the card you are marking, perhaps in the margin, before you start.

Choice of Tees

Male players who have difficulty scoring well on the Blue course are encouraged to play the White or Red course when available.

The World Handicapping System adjusts Daily Handicaps based on the course played in a way that net or Stableford/Par scores on any course are equivalent, allowing players to choose between Blue, White and Red tees for Men and Red tees for Women. A male player with 36 points on the Blue course and a player with 36 points on the Red course, or a woman with 36 points on the Red course are all equal in a competition combining these courses.

In Stroke competitions, results are based on the net score relative to par. A man playing to net 0 relative to par will score net 72 on the blue course, but a woman scoring net 0 relative to par will score net 73 as the women's course is par 73.

This equality is obtained by the way the Daily Handicap is calculated according to WHS guidelines, which accounts for the differences between the pars, scratch ratings and slopes of the different courses. The formula for calculating the daily HC is:

Daily Handicap = (GA Handicap x (Slope Rating ÷ 113) + (Scratch Rating - Par)) x 0.93

Examples are illustrated below for 18 hole courses:


Blue Men

White Men Red Men Red Women
Par 72 72 72 73
Scratch 72 71 69 74
Slope 126 123 119 126
GA Daily HC
0 0 -1 -3 1
5 5 4 2 6
10 10 9 7 11
15 16 15 12 16
20 21 20 17 22
30 31 30 27 32
40 41 41 36 42

The above figures apply to the normal courses and will differ when a temporary course setup is in use. Please check with the Pro Shop for details. Scorecards for competitions will have the correct daily handicap printed by the system.

The choice of tees varies from day to day. Blue tees are confined to Wednesdays and Saturdays to limit wear. Some competitions do not offer the choice of tees due to limited demand. Please consult the Pro Shop for details applicable on a specific day. The following is a general guide to tee choices available:

  Blue M White M Red M Red F White F
Midweek SFD   Y   Y Y
Weekly 9 hole   Y   Y  
Twilight 9 hole   Y   Y  
Wednesdays Y Y Y Y  
Saturdays Y Y Y Y  
Sundays   Y Y Y  

Results display and Leaderboard

Competitions which include multiple tee combinations, including 9 hole competitions combining front and back nine's, combine all players into a single field for the purpose of prize allocations and the published results of prize winners, including the leaderboard display. For example, a Saturday competition may have men playing from blue, white and red tees, and women from red tees. The World Handicap System adjusts handicaps based on gender and course ratings, leading to equitable results that can be combined into a composite competion for awarding prizes. The Leaderboard display takes this into account.

A website version of the Leaderboard is available and updated every 5 minutes during active periods. For days when the clubhouse leaderboard shows no scores, the latest valid version is shown on the website.


Only the Tuesday Women's 18 hole competition and the Saturday main competition have prizes allocated in A, B, C grade, but Nearest The Pin competitions use A, B, C grades for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays/Public Holidays.

Grade ranges for Tuesday Women's competitions are A: up to 24, B:25-34, C: 35 and over. These ranges are subject to change when determined by the Women's Committee.

For all other competitions the ranges are A: up to 12, B: 13-18, C: 19 and over.

The maximum daily HC for men and women is 54.

Nearest The Pin competitions

For Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, NTP applies in 3 grades on the 9th hole.

For Saturdays, NTP applies for A grade on 7th, B grade on 3rd, C grade on 9th, and All Grades on 13th. In addition, second shot NTP applies as follows:

2nd shot NTP prizes are a sponsor logo ball, which jackpots if not won.

Please place the NTP marker behind the ball or an equivalent distance from the hole. Do not make scratch marks on the green surface. If a Hole In One is achieved, place the marker in the NTP sheet holder and write Hole In One against the name on the sheet. The ball must be on the green to qualify for NTP.  Be sure to write your name clearly on the NTP sheet, and use your actual name, not nick-names. It is not necessary for the marker to sign.

Please check your eligibility - handicap ranges are marked on the NTP recording sheet.

Stroke Competitions

Record the strokes taken on the card, and if disqualified on a hole, continue to record strokes for the rest of the round as handicapping is based on the equivalent Stableford score and is valid even though a wipe on a hole due to a lost ball disqualifies you from winning a prize.

Stableford and Par competitions

Always check the Strokes taken. The Pro Shop enters the Strokes Taken into the computer, which works out Stableford or Par results. Many errors arise because players and markers agree on Stableford points but have the wrong strokes recorded.

Match Play events

All matches must be played from the blue tees (men) or red tees (women) unless otherwise stated in the terms of the competition. Players in final rounds are not permitted to also participate in the competition of the day as this may involve different tees, and the rules of match play and stroke play are, in many cases, incompatible

Handicap Match Play

The handicap used for the first match play finals round will be used for all other finals rounds. Please check your Daily Handicap on the day of your first match play round, and advise the Pro Shop.

Always return your scorecard.

Regardless of how badly you play or if you fail to complete the round, always return your card as the Pro Shop must account for every player entered in the competition and missing cards create unnecessary work for staff searching for cards that may have been missed before recording a No Score result.

Please ensure your scorecard is legible. Fix errors by erasing or by crossing out and writing in the adjacent column.