In case of a medical emergency on the Golf Course, please call 000 first, and also advise the Pro Shop on (08) 8270 2208, or the Office on (08) 8270 2300.
For Emergencies in the Clubhouse, please immediately advise any staff member as well as calling 000.
For Emergency Vehicle access, gates are marked in this High Resolution Access Map (2.2MB). Gates are padlocked except for the Greenkeeper entrance which is open during working hours. Keys are available from the Office or Pro Shop, or Greenkeeper.
Please note that access for vehicles from Memford Way is only for the clubhouse and surrounds. Vehicle access to the course should be via the Davey's Road maintenance entry gate, which is normally open during to approx 5PM most days, but may close earlier. Outside these hours the gate will need to be unlocked by staff - Availability of access should be confirmed throught the Pro Shop or Office..
An Automatic Emergency Defibrillator is available in the Bar (08) 8270 2300 Option 1. Please ask the Bar staff to assist. This device is automatic and can be used by anyone to save a life if someone is suspected of experiencing a heart attack.
Publically accessible Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) help save more lives. For every minute that someone is in cardiac arrest without CPR or defibrillation, their chances of surviving decrease by 10%, so the sooner someone receives help, the higher their chance of survival.
The three important steps to restart a heart are: